

Spring has finally come to Camas Meadows. This is a view from our small gravel road taken on my morning walk. I no longer have to pick my way over treacherous icy patches. The road is clear, if a bit muddy. The meadow is mostly free of snow, only a few cold white mounds remain. Birdsong fills the morning air and frogs fill the evening shadows with their soft melody. Crocus are pushing up through the brittle gray strands of last year’s grass and yellow pine lillys dot the hillside on the drive up Camas Creek Road. 

The unfolding of spring around us speaks to me of resurrection. 

Romans 1:20 says that “God’s invisible qualities–His eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made…”

God shows Himself in the world around us and spring tells of how we are made new. Three little girls chose God last week for the very first time. They are new, like spring, breaking across the meadow in all of its fresh beauty. Our Lord came down among us so that we do not have to stay cold and dead like an icy winter night. We are made to live and grow. Seeing springtime change the meadow around me, gives me a glimpse of all that God wants for us. Resurrection, new life, growth and change and beauty. Like the new shoots of the wildflowers, stretching past the dead leaves of yesterday and daring to become something new.

John 12:46–“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”

Spring in the forest

Spring in the forest


Boo Boo

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