Fall Work Retreat

Historically, we have always had our fall work retreat over the Labor Day weekend.

But for several years now, the increased fire danger in our area means that we cannot operate chain saws in late summer. The burn ban doesn’t lift until October and one of our main projects during the fall work retreat is to fell trees, split rounds, and stack firewood so that campers are toasty warm during the long, cold winter nights.

After several years of hoping that the fire danger would be better and we would be able to keep our Labor Day date, after attempting to have two fall work retreats one for wood and one for other projects, Scruffy finally chose an October date for the fall work retreat.

It was so wonderful to have the camp full of workers again!

There was a lot of work to do and God provided the hands to get it done.

The camp woodshed was almost totally empty.

Campers love to sit by the wood stove on chilly nights, chatting and drinking cocoa. This can’t happen without a dedicated wood crew toiling away to fill up that woodshed before the snow flies.

Everyone worked so hard.

From the people who felled the dead trees that had been killed by a pine beetle infestation, to those cutting rounds, hauling rounds, driving the camp truck, splitting rounds, and stacking wood, our crew got grubby and tired but accomplished so much.

Some of the rounds they hauled were so big that it took three people to carry just one.

Just getting them into and out of the truck was hard.

And it is a good thing our wood splitters had young backs.

Thankfully, Ragnar, our cook kept everyone well fed.

In the end, they got that woodshed filled up! We are now ready to host campers this winter. It’s a good thing too, we got over fourteen inches of snow all at once in November!

Thanks to all of these hard workers, when a camper comes in after tubing The Hill and grabs a cup of hot cocoa, there will be a warm fire for them to sit beside as they unthaw. Thank you!

Boo Boo

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