Twix and Coke

If you are used to church, camping ministry can seem a bit odd. Yes, the camp speaker and your pastor both preach out of God’s word. But once in awhile at camp, your Bibles are also incorporated into cabin skits and night games in the dark forest. Yes, Sunday School often includes snacks, scripture memorization, and crafts, all traditional camp activities. But at camp there are times when you are part of the craft, as demonstrated in the photo above featuring sandcastle building. 

But while we might look a bit strange up here at Camas Meadows Bible Camp, we are still just followers of Christ seeking to share His glory with kids. At church a child might seek out the pastor after the sermon. The same thing happens here, with just a few differences. A child seeks out the camp speaker and his counselor. They sit and chat on the porch at the main lodge. These guys share their time and attention with one of God’s children in the pine-scented quiet of the forest. Except, while the air is indeed pine-scented, the forest may not be all that quiet if there is an all-camp pillow fight going on at the same time.

At church children can learn about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as they participate in communion with their parents for the first time. Here at camp this happens too. But it sometimes looks a little different. Like a counselor breaking a Twix bar and pouring out her can of Coke to share with her girls as they contemplate the body and blood of the one who gave everything to make them real live princesses, true daughters of the king.

A little strange, yes. But such is the body of Christ. Each of us have our part to play in God’s amazing story. Some of us get to wear a suit and tie or a fancy dress while we follow our Lord, while some of us serve by chewing up a dill pickle and spitting it into a glass bottle faster than that pesky boys cabin who TP’d the cabin last night. Don’t let this stop you though, teach that Sunday School class, eat that pickle, and serve God in the way that He has called you. 


Boo Boo

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