Camas Meadows Ladies Retreat 2024

At the Camas Meadows Ladies Retreat, women of all ages come together to eat great food, enjoy the beauty of nature, laugh at the crazy skits, and pause to learn more about their Savior.

This year, our speaker was Rebecca Small and she spoke out of her experiences with ministry and terrible loss to lead the ladies in considering how to have an Undivided Heart for the Lord. Her story was so very real and gave those listening just a bit more courage as they too were bound to face the joys and losses of life.

The theme verse for the weekend was Psalm 86:11.

Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. NIV

Ladies form lifelong friendships during this camp and it is so delightful to see them talking and laughing together.

Here, our speaker and some of the Ladies Retreat campers take a moment to do some Bible study outside on the back porch.

Rebecca provided a special devotional packet so that each woman could read along and study God’s word together.

Of course, sitting in the spring sunshine made the time all the sweeter.

Now, camp is not complete without a skit and talent night!

In this fun skit, the campers played telephone charades.

One person reads the clue and then acts it out for the next person.

Who acts it out for the person after that and so on and so forth. It gets pretty crazy before they come to the end and the final person in line tries to express what they think the clue was, ha!

Here, Cindy Cram reads a poem about God’s blessings and illustrates it by actually drinking her tea from her saucer. Don’t worry, no one was burned during the reading of this poem!

A stoic joke-telling contest. Who will break and laugh at the other person’s joke first?

Drawing names for the winners! Who won the lovely quilt that Judy Baker made just for the Ladies Retreat Raffle?

Judy poses with Diane the winner!!!

Of course, the ladies also have a final campfire sharing time on the last night of their retreat.

Then pictures and finally farewells on Sunday morning. What started as a small retreat for the wives of the Camas Meadows Bible Camp board members in 1980 has grown to be a highlight of the year. These women gather to laugh together, play games, sing worship songs, hike in God’s beautiful creation, and hold each other up before the Lord in prayer. They are stronger together than they are alone and we are so blessed to be a part of this faithful group of women!

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