Spring CamasCon 2024

The CamasCon retreat was a wonderful weekend of playing games, connecting with friends, and being encouraged to walk close to Jesus during the chapel sessions.

Clearly, there were plenty of games available to play.

These enthusiastic campers agreed to heft this large game box for a photo after I complained about the limited photographic opportunities (people sitting in a circle staring at a game board) that CamasCon offers.

From Terraforming Mars to Terra Mystica, a wide variety of games were played with a wide variety of strategic difficulties.

Whether a camper wanted the complexity of Battle Star Galactica or the fun simplicity of Spots, there was something for everyone.

All of that to say, there were so many gaming opportunities available, both for the strategist who wanted an epic and lengthy play and for the casual gamer who was looking for conversation and laughter around the table.

Here, our cook got in a couple of games played before his kitchen duties demanded his full attention.

So, why a boardgaming camp?

There is nothing like sitting around a table with friends IRL (in real life) and having real human interactions. Games bring people together.

Quick games that play out in just a few minutes.

Strategic masterpieces that fill the table and six hours (or even 12) of playtime.

They bring brothers together. Friends. Even total strangers can connect across the table.

They bring people together for light conversation and laughter.

They bring people together for deep talks and moments of silence.

Whether it is just passing the time with a friend or the most important conversation of the day, each of these conversational moments are facilitated by playing a game together.

Our speaker for the weekend was Sam Healey who chats about games over at the Flipside of Boardgames and The Dice Tower.

He shared from his testimony, about the ups and downs of working in ministry and the boardgame industry, and about God’s faithfulness when we fail. His testimony was a powerful reminder to each of us that God is powerful in His work in the world around us and in and through our very lives, despite our mistakes. Important words to hear, for those walking through a dark place.

Why a boardgame camp? Folks will take the time to travel out of their normal space, step out of their regular friend group, and explore something beyond their everyday activities in order to play a boardgame together. Scruffy and I saw our regular group of boardgame friends, people we only see at CamasCon, people we hadn’t seen in years, and people who became brand new friends. I know that this occurred for many others as well.

This is the value of a boardgame camp. Community. Relationship. Taking a moment to seek God together as part of Christ’s church. Laughing, even crying together. Boardgames build relationship and that is something near and dear to the heart of our Lord.

1 Peter 3:8–Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. NLT

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