Senior High Winter Camp

It was a delight to run our Senior High Winter camp once again!

We worshiped with both crazy fast songs that had equally-crazy hand motions and those sweet thoughtful melodies that always make me weep.

Doing chapel again with our wonderful senior high campers next to the warm fire on a cold winter day was incredible.

Our camp speaker, Van Helsing, talked about … doing the hand motions for “Pharaoh Pharaoh?”

Ah, there we go. Van Helsing talked about who God is. God the Father. God the Son. God the Holy Spirit. Plus, how does who They are affect who we are?

Besides speaking, Van Helsing also engaged in many other fun activities.

Including whatever is happening in the photo below. We are not sure … but it definitely looks loud!

We enjoyed delicious food cooked for us by the amazing Kanga!

Yes, playing with your plate is much much more mature than playing with your food … in case you were wondering.

But the campers didn’t just stay inside singing and walking around with plates on their heads!

Oh, no! They ventured into the great outdoors with much gusto!

Hikes through the crunchy snow gave everyone both breathtaking views at Inspiration Point …

… and an opportunity for an epic snowball fight!


Don’t worry, this camper was smiling in the very next photo.

See, I told you he survived!

Many snowballs flew and much laughter filled the mountain air.

The sunshine came out and melted our icy snow just enough so that it packed well and didn’t hurt when hurled through the air at speed.

The fun continued with various attacks.

Both success and failure was fun and hilarious!

Epona, enjoying the camper’s antics.

A camper, enjoying producing those antics!

After invigorating outdoor activities, it was fun to just hang out with friends in the lodge.

Curling up by the fire with a mug of cocoa was a must.

Or, if you are Princess Leia Freyja, just curling up by the fire. Not that she would turn down a mug of cocoa.

The campers had a chance to play some strategy board games once they got tired and cold from outdoor play.

Plus, the chance to make friends with the camp dog.

More outside time was enjoyed with both sledding and then tubing on the terrifying tube hill!

And inside for dog snuggles!

Kanga made these adorable mini pancakes just for Epona! Good things come in small (but mighty) packages.

And then there was hockey!

The senior high campers were especially fond of hockey!

In fact, so was Princess Leia Freyja! She knew exactly how the game was played. Leap in with all four paws and grab the puck. Then run fast to keep it away from everyone else!

Even watching hockey was fun.

Many bumps, bruises, and sore muscles later … victory finally came!

What a weekend! So there you have it: tubing, sledding, snowball fights, hockey, friends, warm crackling fires, snuggly dogs, yummy food, board games, worship, thoughtful chapels, and finally … time to say goodbye.

Fear not! There are more camps coming your way. Stay tuned to hear about Spring Break Survival Camp, CamasCon, Ladies Retreat, Summer Camps, and more!

Boo Boo

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