
Yogi has been many things up here at camp. A camp counselor (yep, Yogi and Boo Boo…but I must point out that my name came first), a longtime friend, and now one of our board members. He was up the other night and I asked if he could remember any moments from camp that might help me with the blog. 

There was one year that he had a group of guys in his cabin who had chosen to follow Christ the summer before. Yogi came upon them with a pile of cassette tapes (I told you this was a long time ago) jubilantly yanking all of the tape out in long strands of destruction. They felt the tapes were hindering their walk with the Lord and were sacrificing their beloved music in order to serve Him better.

Yogi was amazed because he was watching fruit ripen that had been planted a year before. Their counselor from the previous summer had mentioned the music. But it was only after a year back at school and another summer of fun and teaching and being urged forward in their walk with God, that this seed matured.

And so Yogi ushered these boys into his cabin and loved them and played night games with them and watched in wonder as the seeds of the summer before bore fruit right before his eyes. They were ready to move on. Ready to let go of the things they had loved before and devote themselves to God. The previous counselor did not get to watch this moment. It was Yogi, who stepped in and watered those seeds. Yogi was granted the privilege of observing the fruit.

Planting and watering and harvesting, all these things occur at camp. So do not get discouraged with the role you are are given. God calls us to serve and the harvest will be His. One job is not more noble than another.

God has mighty plans and He wants to use you and He wants to use me. Maybe we are planters or watering the seeds. Perhaps we see the harvest after others have poured out their lives and love upon someone for years. Just be faithful with every day that is given. Our Lord is good. Remember that He loves each one of His children, no matter which part of the field they are toiling upon. We are his servants and all the Glory belongs to our Lord. 

I Corinthians 3:8-9a–“The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service…”


Boo Boo

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