


What is Camas Meadows Bible Camp?

People can and do spend $1000.00 dollars a week to send their kids to camp. We are not that camp. Some camps have a vast complex of buildings with cabins for kids and married couples and adults with bad backs. We are not that camp. Some camps have their own lake or pool, jet skis or giant inflatables, climbing walls and cabins that are built right into the tops of trees. We are not that camp.

We are tiny. We are simple. We are a small cluster of log buildings hidden in the woods. We are some old weathered benches gathered around a campfire in the meadow. We are kids standing together raising their hands in worship accompanied by a teenager and a guitar.

But we have our place. God has called us too. And there is something lovely, a breath of the divine, in walking along with your master on the road He has prepared for you. 


Boo Boo

3 thoughts on “Niche

  1. I have spent many a week as both a camper and a counselor at this awesome little camp out in the woods. About the best place to connect with your Heavenly Father that I know of :).

  2. Pingback: » Campfire Saturday

  3. Thanks Launchpad. It is a good place to be. The boys and I are enjoying driving in the gravel pile with trucks and listening to bugling elk this fall. Bring your new bride up and visit sometime, I’ll save a truck for you.

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