The Mountain Muse 2018

October brings in chilly wind and creeping mists, changing leaves, and the knowledge that the brilliant bright summer is fading and the sparkling glory of winter is just around the corner. It is an in between time, but also a season of unique beauty. For me and a few other writers as well, October means that it’s time to step away from our hectic lives and make creative endeavors a priority.

It begins with breakfast on the first Friday of October. Writers at all different stages gather together with one goal in mind. Push away the voices that say we can’t and do our very best to simply write. We are writers after all. Even if the words aren’t great, their ours, and the vow this weekend is to get them down and learn to make them better.

The weather in early October is often gorgeous, but even when it is cool and drizzly, the beauty of the forest and small mountain meadow that waits just below the lodge are inspiring.

When the weather cooperates, writers can take long walks through the forest, enjoying the bright yellow of aspen leaves and the crunch of dry meadow grass underfoot. When the fog creeps in and the temperatures drop, the fire is always crackling in the main lodge and a warm scone and cup of cocoa await.

Without having to worry about cooking meals, doing laundry, toiling behind a desk, or driving busy children to and from various activities, The Mountain Muse is a weekend to refresh the spirit out in God’s lovely creation and pour our hearts out onto the page with hours of time to create.

Short sessions follow each delicious meal, just in case writer’s need something to jump start their creativity. But we don’t hold you up for long. The vast amount of the day is left open, so that writers can simply write.

The weekend was designed for writers, but as you can see from some of the lovely scenery photos featured, creatives of many different types enjoy the chance to get away. Our visiting photographer enjoyed getting out into the forest, taking some time to read, and seeing what a few moments to enjoy the peaceful forest can do for the soul.

Did I mention that all is not silence at The Mountain Muse? Yes, writers love to talk, especially to other writers. The only folks who can sit through a conversation with us about character motivation, sensory detail, and exactly how to get that villain through airport security without thinking we are crazy or delusional.

Much brainstorming occurred and our mascot, Princess Leia Freyja, was ever present. Always willing to lend an encouraging paw.

Writers of various ages and stages in their journey joined us, from young teens to Grandmas.

A highlight was the nighttime campfire, where we gathered to roast marshmallows and eat s’mores and take in the vast starry host above.

From letting ideas simmer in the company of like-minded folk, to getting the words down on the page for the first time, to editing manuscripts written in years past, every stage of the writing process was represented.

There are times when a writer must push creativity to the back burner and get all those vital bits of life done and done well. But there are those moments when you realize that creativity is also a vital part of being alive. We were blessed with the chance to take a moment to renew the spirit, to walk in the forest, to put pen to page, and pour forth words.

Whether our words shone with the skill of expert prose or the passion of a beginners first effort, there is a glory in making the attempt to create. Just like the one in whose image we have been made. The one who made humanity, our own desire to create, and the glorious world around us, so long ago.



Boo Boo

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