Sr. High Camp–Deep Dives


You probably won’t believe me after taking a look at the pictures featured here, but at the beginning of this week of camp, the campers were having a hard time focusing on deep spiritual matters. Yep, they just wanted to have fun. Each of us thrives on fun and here at Camas we go out of our way to provide multiple opportunities for pure, unadulterated silliness.


Point in case: skit night and that thing with the pudding and the gummy worms and all the bare (but recently cleansed) feet. And yet the staff wanted so much more for these wonderful kids. For choosing to dig gummy worms out of a tray of pudding and feeding it to a friend with your toes, does not mean that you cannot also choose to lift your face and hands and heart to God as you worship. It does not mean that you cannot also pour over your Bible, searching for all that God offers in His word. It does not mean that you cannot ask the tough questions and say the hard thing when your counselor stands before you and urges you to join the discussion. 


And so on Tuesday morning, the speaker and several of the staff met on the porch to pray. They prayed for the campers, that they would be willing to let go of those easy surface concerns that take up most of our time. That they would be willing to risk depth and questions, thoughtfulness and a genuine heart to seek. Then he called them on it. Challenged the campers to look deeper than the bright glittering surface of life. Pressed them to consider being willing to dive deep. 

The next day was baffling to watch. Campers pulled the speaker aside to talk instead of swimming in lake Chelan or playing volleyball. Campers abandoned an awesome board game to ask difficult questions of import. Campers waylaid their counselors to talk, postponing activities and broaching difficult topics. 

Deep Dives

That is what Van Helsing calls a thoughtful discussion. The entire week was full of Deep Dives. Planned and unplanned. Speaker led as well as camper initiated. And so here we stand, astounded once again by all that God can do when we pray according to His will. Of course He wanted these campers to go deep. When we begged Him for this, He poured out His power among us. Why does this continue to surprise. Despite our teeny tiny bit of faith, He is great and He is good. This week was so full. Deep Dives and gummy worms, all wrapped up together and wonderful to behold.




Boo Boo

Jr. High B–2016


Our second Jr. High Camp was a wonderful conglomerations of so many things. Incredibly energetic campers, the quiet of the forest, the ill-considered consumption of Camas Slushies during the crowd breaker, God’s word brought to us in chapel time, and of course some very confusing cabin skits. Why was that giant whale in an operating room in the first place?


From gorgeous sunshine on lake day to those two amazing campers who made the decision to follow Jesus Christ, we came through the week rife with colds and coughs but so incredibly blessed.


Yes, your camper had to sing and dance if you sent them a package or beautifully decorated letter. Yes, they consumed way too many s’mores that were lovingly burnt for them by their senior counselor. And yes, we strove to challenge them from God’s word, give them a shoulder to cry on, and provide a fabulous week of good old fashioned fun.


I was blessed to hear my own son singing worship songs with his brothers, long after camp had ended. I’m a camper parent too, I understand. Camp is one of the most unique experiences we have in God’s family. A time to escape the pressures of school and home and the eternal striving for success and perfection. A time to listen to the wind in the aspen trees, make a new friend, take a change and reach out to God, and perhaps attack a cabin mate with a NERF sword. A strange and beautiful blessing, that comes complete with the opportunity to wear wigs and throw cheese slices at other children in the pursuit of cabin points. There’s nothing else quite like it, the funny bone of the body of Christ.




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Jr. High Camp A–2016

Mine Twice Over


Our speaker this week (aka Warhammer) told a story during chapel. The one about the little boy who carved a boat by hand, worked on it in all his spare time, painted it in painstaking detail, and then finally brought it out to the lake to sail it for the first time.


The boat was blown away and lost, although the boy chases it until his breath came in painful gasps and his legs trembled with fatigue. Later, the boy saw it in a shop window. The owner was selling his boat for a high price because the craftsmanship was so fabulous. Even after the boy explained that he had made the boat with his own hands, the shop owner refused to relent. The price was the same.



The boy went home, gathered every penny he had saved, returned to the shop and purchased his boat. On the walk home he clutched his masterpiece in his hands. “I made you and I bought you. You are mine twice over.”

A classic tale of God’s love for us. 

During chapel on Friday night a fierce thunder storm rolled through. I was kneeling inside, singing praise and crying at the beauty of the music around me. When the music stopped I stood and walked outside into the storm. Rain fell in torrents, drenching my clothes and plastering my hair to my back. Hail joined the raindrops. Along with the iron gray clouds, spears of sunlight shone through the trees. One particular patch of rain was illuminated by slanting light. Glittering like diamonds, the storm fell through the sunlight and on to the gravel at my feet. A rainbow arched over the volleyball court and the storm continued to rage. 


Kids experience so much hurt today. We saw that this week. Tragedies they should never have to endure. Hardship that is not of their making. But God speaks through the wonder of of woods, the trees swaying in a tearing wind, a patch of glittering raindrops and a rainbow that can only be seen if you’re willing to walk out into the storm. We saw God’s love this week as well. And through a ten minute storm, God said more about His love and persistence than I could say in a lifetime. He will not stop loving us simply because we have created so much pain in our world. God is truly mighty. His wonders stretch beyond our ability to destroy and He continues to call to us, even amidst the storm. Especially amidst the storm.


Boo Boo


Junior A Camp 2016


I took our dog, Princess Leia Freyja, for a walk last night. She paused to slurp a camper and then we took off down the twisty path in front of the lodge that leads to the meadow. Behind me, I heard Choco playing guidar and the children singing. Small voices, lifted high, their praises echoing across the swaying meadow grass and into the surrounding trees. Such an amazing moment. Then again, this was an amazing week. From sand sculptures shaped like lions and fish and a volcano in Hawaii with the burning bush on top, to that game where you find gummy worms in Jell-O and feed them to a friend with your feet. 


Miracles happened every day. Prayers were answered and God’s love was shared. When the camp bus was stuck in the shop, local churches and individuals stepped up and loaned us enough vans to transport the kids to Lake Chelan for a day of water and sun and fun.


God’s Glory was evident in that gentle and quiet way that is so often overlooked by the crowd, but means everything to the one He is speaking to. Homesick campers who found the strength to stay and overcome, make friends and accomplish what seemed so impossible. A young boy who gave his life to Christ. A child who told Scruffy, “This feels like a safe place.” A shy camper who doesn’t like crowds and yet volunteered for a crazy game in watchamabob.


When I was reading staff applications this year in preparation for camp, something struck me. So many of our counselors mentioned camp as they explained how they came to Christ. Very few of them actually made salvation decisions up here at Camas Meadows. Instead, Camas was the place where they took those first wobbly steps as young Christians who were not simply following their parent’s faith but choosing Jesus for themselves.


There is something amazing about the sun and the sand, the forest and the moonlight, God’s creation shouting out His Glory. There is something priceless about a water fight and a hug, making para-cord bracelets with your friends, and decorating your cabin with a 20 foot cross and a spider web of old twine. There is something life-changing about singing worship songs at the top of your lungs in the quiet of the rustling trees, learning how to find a Bible verse on your own for the first time, and asking your counselor if God can make a rock that is too big for Him to lift.  That is what we witnessed this week, God at work in the everyday of camp life. The miracle of children leaping and shouting and galloping about, laughing, making friends, and learning a little bit more about the one who made them and loves them best.



Boo Boo


Staff Training 2016



We trained our summer staff this last week. Staff Training is such an intense time. Somedays it feels as though we have crammed a year’s worth of information into a six day period and are then expected to remember everything. But it is so very good, too. It takes a special kind of person to give up their summer for others. Pictured here are kids who have given up summer employment, recreation, mission trips, educational and sports opportunities, we even have a couple who gave up most of their honeymoon to come up here to this little backwoods Bible camp and serve kids. Yep, three days after the wedding they were here and ready to work. Unlike the two dogs who are featured (Princess Leia and JJ) who are quite honestly having the time of their lives and whose greatest difficulty is rolling over so that they can receive belly rubs more effectively, the teens and young adults here will work their tails off all summer long. Pray for them. They will be beaten down with weariness of body and spirit, because when your campers are hurting, your heart breaks. There is no way around it. They will rise up as someone different than the kid who walked into the lodge on the first day of staff training. Because a challenge such as this requires growth. God will walk beside them and they will actually notice because they will be brought so low that only God can help them shuffle forward. And thus they will stand taller than they ever have before, because His strength will shine like the dawn in their weakness. Thank you, everyone who has left comfort and profit and a sensible summer behind to serve here at camp. Camas Meadows would not be here without you. You are our heroes. 


Boo Boo



It is raining today.

Our boys are playing a board game instead of building forts for their chickens outside. The light has dimmed as a bank of soft, gray clouds hover above. Drops slide down the metal roof, pinging on the swamp cooler in our living room window. The dirt trails that crisscross the camp are mushy and slick. The foliage is heavy with moisture, drooping under the weight and boasting a rich, verdant brilliance that only comes with weeping skies. 

This constant drizzle is exactly what we needed.

The wildflowers bloomed early again this year, responding to the heat and clear blue days. I saw a tiger lily yesterday, a flower usually found in July. The low meadow grasses are starting to crunch under my feet. Dust rises in a gritty cloud whenever a car approaches the camp.

I love the rain, not only because of its power upon the land and quiet beauty, but also because it reminds me to trust God.

My sons would rather play outside with sunshine warming their faces and a busy building project to fill the day. I was less than pleased as I loaded every single stuffed animal we own into the back of our car to bring them home after the big sleep over last night, with the cousins, outside, in the rain. The sleeping bags and blankets and stuffed toys and books were something less than dry and a few of them came back soaked. This is not the best weather for hiking or swimming or volley ball. It is not the ideal day to harvest hay, ride over Blewett Pass on a bicycle, or break a pole vaulting record. But the rain is good and valuable and vital all the same. It is a blessing from God and it reminds me of His love.

Rain is not always what we would choose. But anyone who has ever nudged the fading leaves of a wildflower or watched a flitting bird search the bushes for rose hips knows its incredible value. My grandmother tells the story of a child she met during the depression, a child who had never seen it rain and looked to the skies with such a longing that it made her want to weep.

When I watch the rain I remember that I don’t have to catch the entirety of the universe in my palm to dissect and completely understand. When I see the rain I remember that God loves me and that He watches and cares for all of His creation, even when we fail, even when we scheme and plan and forget. He is there, giving grace to all that is His. I see that God cares deeply, beyond our wishes of the moment and our childish tantrums. God looks beyond the thin crust we build about ourselves and into our inner self. He weighs and considers so much more than what is happening today or tomorrow or next year. When I watch the rain dripping steady and soaking deep into the earth I remember that my plan is not always best. I see the power of something quiet and gentle and soft. I see life renewed and second chances. I see His love.  

Matthew 5:44-45–“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”


Boo Boo

In That Place…


After the Jewish leaders tried to seize Jesus, He escaped their grasp and went back across the Jordan. I was struck by how much these verses reminded me of camp.

John 10:40-42–“Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days. Here He stayed and many people came to Him. They said, ‘Though John never performed a miraculous sign, all that John said about this man was true.’ And in that place many believed in Jesus.”

It wasn’t safe in the more populated areas and so Jesus went back to the wild sanctuary where John had been baptizing. Those seeking to kill Him stayed in their places of power, but the people followed Him. In that place many believed. Camp is a step away. Away from town. Away from the cares and concerns of everyday life. Away from struggles and fears. Sometimes all it takes for a soul to start to open, to begin to question and seek God, is a step away.

This picture was taken on our family’s mother’s day hike on a remote road outside the camp. The setting just shouts of the glories of God does it not? I can see why those ancient seekers, upon finding Christ in His remote retreat, placed their trust in Him. In the quiet of the Jordan River, they could finally hear His voice. They journeyed away and they found their Lord. This is what we seek to accomplish at camp. To provide just such an experience for modern day seekers.


Boo Boo



Prayers for the Summer


Pray for us.

Summer approaches so very quickly and one can never be fully prepared for all that a summer of camp entails. 

Pray for our camp speakers. That they would be given the words and wisdom that the children in their particular camp need. That they will find a way to explain the Gospel clearly (and quickly, children have short attention spans) and in a way that these little hearts can absorb. Pray that they would be given special insight for this task. It is never easy.

Pray for our camp cooks and kitchen staff. So much of what makes camp a safe and loving place comes from the kitchen. The laugh or smile given to a child by a busy kitchen worker at just the right time. Good food served with Love. Patience in the heat of business. A strange mixture of leftovers saved for a fun game. They say the kitchen is the heart of the home…we see something similar at camp as well. Pray for the hardworking staff who do so much more than provide food.

Pray for the camp counselors.

Senior Counselors, Junior Counselors, Counselors In Training. All of these need your prayers, right now and all summer long, and into the days past camp that can be a struggle as well. So often, your camp counselor makes the difference between a fabulous week of camp and a terrible experience. Pray for these young people as they are trained on June 20th through the 25th. Pray for them as they serve day and night for the week or weeks that they are working. Pray for wisdom as they must lovingly deal with rowdiness and shyness, kids who want to bully and kids who want to disappear, children who are homesick and children who would love to take over and run camp their own way. Children who know all about the Bible and think there is nothing new to learn and children who have never looked up a verse on their own. Pray for the C.I.T.’s who are plunging into the world of camp for the first time. Pray for the Junior Counselors who are supporting their leading counselor. Pray for the Senior Counselors who must make the decisions in the cabin. Pray that the Lord would give them strength and wisdom and love for each moment as it occurs and that they would remember to seek Him at every juncture. Pray that the Lord would send us the counselors that we need, just the right ones, at just the right time.

Pray for the camp nurses.

That we would have enough volunteers to cover each week of camp. Pray for them as they must distinguish between a child who says they are in pain who is really homesick and needs some motherly TLC and a child who really should go home but is hiding their pain in order to stay at camp. Camp nurses must keep track of all that baffling medication, from simple vitamins to powerful medicines that must be consumed exactly two hours before food but never after exercise or before eating broccoli. So much of camp nursing is the giving out of hugs and bandages to kids who are missing the normal routine of home. Pray that our nurses have wisdom to see when a child needs a little extra care, even when the wound is not urgent. The camp nurse is also on the lookout for that occasional serious medical issue that must be addressed with speed and skill. Pray for them, the health of an entire camp can be a heavy lode to bear.  

Pray for our summer interns.

Pray for them as they leap into an entire summer of ministry doing everything under the sun from planning and implementing a game that involves pickles, mayonnaise, and a gallon of lunch punch, to running program, sitting in on cabin discussions, praying with the counsel staff, doing back-breaking maintenance, to even counseling a cabin if the need arises. 

Pray for the permanent staff. For Choco as he keeps everything working in the summer heat, drives bus, and leaps into any and every situation with patience and skill. Pray for Pippen as he works on program and grounds and paintball and perhaps even counsels. Pray as he works pretty much wherever we need him. Pray for Scruffy as the weight of the summer and all that we pray to accomplish rests on him. There is never time to do everything. Pray that the tasks The Lord wants accomplished this summer would rise to the forefront and be achieved in God’s power and for His glory. Pray for Scruffy as he trains the staff and leads them and provides wisdom and support for each cabin and counselor.

Pray for the campers. There is such a boundless variety of children who come to camp. The brand new camper taking that first big step away from a safe and loving home for the first time. Frightened to spend a whole week somewhere new but braving the adventure all the same. The child who escapes a war zone at home and is running to somewhere safe. The child who needs to learn to listen to his cabin mates and the child who needs to learn to open his heart and speak. Pray for each and every one. That the Lord will give each of them a friend at camp, a counselor who sees and understands them, a speaker who can open God’s word in a way they comprehend, and a week of safety in which they can simply be children, learning, growing, stretching, but also just having fun.

Pray for us here at Camas Meadows Bible Camp.

This is an impossible task. But with God, the impossible becomes reality and it is to Him that we must seek the strength with which we approach the summer. Stand before His throne with us and be a part of all that He intends to do.




Boo Boo

Brain Food in the Forest


You know that feeling you get when you step outside, take a deep breath of pine-scented air, and set out down a twisting forest path? Well, scientist have been busily studying exactly what that sensation is and why you feel so much better out in the glorious creation that God made. Here are a few of the things they have found.

Hiking in nature reduces negative obsessive thoughts that can lead to not enjoying the moment, depression, and anxiety. Wilderness walks even reduce neural activity in the area of the brain associated with mental illness. Hiking through the city does not have the same benefits.

Hiking through the forest combined with removal from all technology causes subjects to preform 50% better on creative thinking and problem solving tests.

Playing outside in a natural environment reduces the symptoms of ADHD

Outdoor exercise is good for your body, improves memory loss, helps prevent memory loss, reduces stress, boosts self-esteem, and just makes you feel better.

Hiking is also one of the easiest and least expensive sports you can participate in. So get out into the forest and let God wow you with the beautiful things He has made and the beautiful way that our minds respond to the creations of His hand. Or just come to camp! I can guarantee that campers will leave technology behind, get out into the forest, and have the pleasure of getting a glimpse of God. In their study of the Bible, but also in the amazing world that surrounds us.


Boo Boo


Spring Break Survival Camp


This year we tried something completely new. A day camp over spring break with lessons from the Bible and outdoor survival skills taught my aerospace engineer and 20 year boy scout veteran John (Ranger Halt) Dewsnap. What do you think? Do these kids have what it takes to survive . . . 




The campers learned about water purification through iodine tablets, pumping, and boiling snow.


Safe fire building. Be sure to dig down to the clay before laying your tinder!


Making paracord survival bracelets, which can be unraveled and used for rope in an emergency situation.


Campsite Cuisine, yum!


Building a group survival shelters using tarp, paracord, and natural resources.




Building individual Survival Shelters using whatever resources the area provides.


Princess Leia Freyja wishes that someone would let her inside their survival shelter. She only knocked down that one wall, and really, it was looking pretty wobbly anyway.


Just getting outside into the beautiful world that God made is always worth the effort.




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